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Several issues are under hot debate in the CLINKFIRINGLINE echo.
Homosexuality is still a center of much debate between noted voice
"The Master" and co-ordinator of FaithNet, "Charles." It seems this issue
will not be resolved, and the arguments fly back and forth.
The trial of the men accused of beating Reginald Denny has been picked
up as a topic in that echo, the argument seems to be, now that the
trial is passed, if the crimes the men committed were "hate crimes" as was
(apparently) the case in the Rodney King beating. Once again, 'advocate
for the little guy' Mike Christy is at the center of this debate.
There is talk of closing the doors to the area to minors, which has
stirred some grumblings of displeasure. Nothing "official" has gone to
vote as of yet.
Skilled and unskilled labor has just recently come to light with a
lengthy post by Omar of River Conditions BBS in Downey, CA. We will watch
this topic in case developments get interesting.
No other networks have had news worth reporting, that we are on. If you
are an authorized member of another network, or even just a user with an
ear to the floor, we'd like to hear some news on a network you are on, or
even a specific echo.
Issue 1.08 (Saturday, October 30, 1993) ©1993, PXP